Written by Milly Whitehead on 31 / 07 / 2023
Gap Year Advice
Google gap years and hundreds of options will pop up offering you exciting, shiny travel opportunities. But how do you know if you're picking the right gap year programme for you? With so many options out there how do you narrow it down? To make life super simple, we have popped down out top tips for how to find the answers to your questions, and what sets The Leap apart from other gap year companies.
Starting with:
Be careful to choose a company that has a good reputation, experience, track record, and accreditation (we are members of Year Out Group and USA Gap Year Association); members have to demonstrate the highest standards of safety and risk management, project sustainability, financial protection and more. We have successfully sent thousands of Leapers abroad since 2002.
If you have friends/family who've done gap years then ask them who they went with and whether they'd recommend them. Give companies a call to get a feel for what they're like, were you put on hold for hours? Did the person you spoke to seem knowledgeable and friendly? Would you trust them to help you if something happened to you overseas? These are all questions you need to ask yourself before you book any gap year programme.
We can all be drawn in by cheap prices, but cheaper isn't necessarily better, and booking over the internet, especially with a company based outside of the UK, can expose you to many risks. Here are some questions to ask:
Our team programmes combine a unique mix of multiple locations and project opportunities within one trip, with a focus on climate change, plastic pollution, conservation, community immersion, and language skills.
We specialise in mixed team travel (typically 8-20 per team), for 4-6 weeks, so we deliver an instant social life and sense of team spirit. As our programmes are aimed at gappers the people on the team are nearly all between 18-20.
I could independently travel for much cheaper, why should I do a team programme? Deciding whether to do solo or team travel boils down to how confident you are in planning your trip. For some people the thought of arriving in a foreign country and having to sort all their food, transport, accommodation, and activities is their worst nightmare. Yes, it's often cheaper, but that's because you have to do everything yourself with no help or structure. To read the pros and cons of solo and team travel click here - we find that most people end up doing a mix of both.
How should I decide where in the world to go? Luckily we've written a handy little blog all about where to go when. You can also speak to one of us and we can match you up with the programme we think would suit you best, or take our quiz to get the ball rolling.
Can I have more information about gap years in general and the best way to ensure I have a good one? Download our free 10 step guide to nailing your gap year here to get some of our top tips for gap year planning. We're here if you have any questions about anything, just contact us.