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African style communion, internships and Massai meetings

Naku penda!

In the last blog I promised to report back about the communion we were invited to. Well I can tell you it exceeded expectations. There was about 200 guests, big party tents, a DJ and huge speakers that were bumping all night long. It was such an incredible experience being able to see such a big and important event in the culture here. They had this cake ceremony where all the important couples fed each other pieces of cake and two of the leapers got to go up and feed each other too!

This week we started our internships, I am doing the care internship which brings me to Jane Olevolos Center for Orphans. My responsibilities are a dream come true: three two-year-olds with endless smiles and beautiful little laughs. I know I’m biased, but I think my internship is the best. Yesterday we found bubbles and the kids were overjoyed. They taught me how to say “I love you” in swahili: Naku penda! Probably my favorite term I’ve learned here.

Four of my fellow leapers are on the business internship and they’re currently learning the ropes of forming safari itineraries for travelers. They have to do everything the safari companies have to do in order to organize their client’s adventures. This includes learning the migration patterns of safari animals, determining the “hot spots” of animal viewing in the parks, and calculating costs. Then they learn how to relay all of that to the clients.

The last four leapers on the trip are doing the teaching internship. They teach side by side teachers at the school that we are building the floor for. They teach pretty much every subject from maths to english. The kids can’t get enough of them.

This weekend we got to see the Massai tribe and climb this mountain that was behind the village. It took hours of sweat and dedication but the views were breath taking! We will all most definitely be sore tomorrow!

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