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The sun did shine

For weeks 8 and 9 we were back at Santa Teresa following the same schedule of Spanish and volunteering.

On week 8 we were rained in again, this time the rainfall was so heavy that the bridge needed to cross to enter and exit Jakera was completely washed away. The only way to cross was to hold onto a rope and walk through the river at another point. The water still came up to our thighs and it was pretty scary at points but it was worth it to go and buy snacks at the supermarket!

When the weather had cleared up we continued doing beach clean ups and clearing out the turtle hatchery. We also went out at night to the beach to search for turtles and despite finding tracks we found none nor any nests.

Week 9’s volunteering was based around Halloween. We decorated the whole of the downstairs for a Halloween party for the local children as well as carving pumpkins and making pumpkin pie. As well as hosting the party for the children, we all went out dressed up for Halloween on the Monday night.

During these two weeks it was also Kat’s birthday which was so much fun. We went out for dinner at this incredible sushi restaurant. We’ve had so many nice evenings recently together - either watching the sunset on the beach or going out as a big group to dinner and playing cards. Also, in our free time we’ve spent a lot of time at the beach over the past couple of weeks as the weather has finally cleared up. We played a huge game of football which became semi-competitive especially when some locals who were pretty decent at it joined in!

Alongside all of these activities we’ve just been hanging out by the pool together. I think everyone’s feeling a little taken aback that we only have one more week left with one another! Everyone’s looking forward to the last week of relaxation and sunbathing before heading back home on Sunday.

More about Costa Rica

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