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Top 10 Things To Do Before You're 20

Written by Zoë Howie on 08 / 11 / 2024

Gap Year Advice

I think we can all agree that your teenage years can be a bit of a rollercoaster. You're trying to work out who you are and what you want to do with your life, all with the stress of A-levels in the mix.

We can promise you that the person you are now will change, evolve, and grow over the next few years, now is also the time to make the most of being young and carefree. So here are some ideas of 10 things to do before you turn 20.

1. Travel with friends

Whether it's a few weeks island-hopping in Greece (read our guide here) or a round-world adventure, you have to go travelling with friends at least once in your life. You can always ease yourself in with something like interrailing in Europe or a team programme over the summer and then if you find you are hooked you can go further afield later.

Remember gap year travel really doesn't mean 365 days of travelling - a gap year can be 4 weeks or so on a meaningful programme which is where we come in. We offer team experiences for 18-21 year olds, designed to also work well with doing solo adventures afterwards with your new found friends.

Don't have anyone to travel with? Don't panic, nearly everyone that joins our team programmes comes as a solo traveller ready to make new friends and learn new skills.

2. Tick something off your bucket list

Like us, you might have a bucket list as long as your arm, but you should definitely aim to tick at least one thing off that list by the time you turn 20. It might be seeing Machu Picchu or it may be snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef, but now is your chance to go off and do it.

3. Get a job

The key to getting all these adventures ticked off the list is earning the funds to do so. All sorts of weird and wacky jobs exist that you can find nowadays, but take a look here to get the ideas flowing. Not only will it help you fund your adventures, but it looks good on your CV too for potential employers. Even securing work experience during your time is still a super valuable skill to learn and helps you find out what you enjoy and where your skills might suit.

4. Got to a festival

There's a festival for everything nowadays, from bog snorkelling to nettle eating... or you could stick to good old Glastonbury. But a festival of some description is pretty much a rite of passage for teenagers, including a half-collapsed tent, the worst night's sleep you've ever had, and the grimmest portaloos you've ever encountered. Festivals are a lot of fun and a great life experience. Whether you go to the main stage at Glasto or a quieter event, you will make unforgettable memories.

5. Climb a mountain

At home or away you embrace the challenge of mountain climbing. If you fancy one in the UK then get exploring Pen Y Fan in the Brecon Beacons National Park.

Standing proud at 886 meters above sea level it is a tough but glorious climb with many photo opportunities as you go along. Fancy something further afield? We can get you climbing Mt Kilimanjaro, Mt Kenya, or the volcanoes in Guatemala.

6. Learn to cook

A skill that will set you up for life, knowing at least five decent recipes will stand you in good stead for your future. You don't have to be the next top chef, but having a few meals up your sleeve means you won't spend your uni career living off takeaways and pesto pasta or hoping that your housemate is a good chef.

7. Learn to drive

Driving gives you a unique sense of freedom. Learning to drive in your teens lets you go out and have fun. You won't need to depend on your parents for rides anymore.

8. Make an effort to save the planet

If we all changed just one thing about our behavioural habits we could really help save the planet one by one. From being more sustainable with your clothes, for example buying and selling on Depop rather than buying fast fashion, to taking your reusable water bottle out with you - if we each changed one thing then long term change can happen.

9. Push yourself out of your comfort zone

Easier said than done, but life is all about pushing yourself further than you thought you could go; who knows, you might end up surprised. It might be travelling to a new country that's a step out of your comfort zone, meeting new people, or it might be leaping out of a plane on a skydive. We promise you that you'll be a more interesting person because of it.

10. Volunteer

Whether you volunteer your time, manpower, or a bit of both, make sure you do something worthwhile with your time, whether it's in this country or overseas. There are so many volunteering opportunities, whether it's beach clean-ups in Costa Rica, or building stoves for the community in Kenya.

If you're ready to start planning your adventure and want to gain experience on one of our programmes on your journey then get in touch here.


I think I'd like to take a gap year but I'm not sure where to start. Get in contact with us and we can help you with all of your gap year planning.

Do people often travel in their twenties? Of course, you can travel at any age! But taking a gap year when you're 18/19 is probably the one time you won't have any of the commitments that come with being an adult. It can be tempting to push back travel until after uni, but at that point you'll probably find that you're wanting to get your foot on the corporate ladder (and your parents will be nagging you to get a job).

Can I put experiences from my gap year on my CV? Absolutely you can. Whether you get a job, volunteer, join a team programme, or travel solo, all of those will have aspects that you can put on your CV and mention in interviews.

Want to tick travel off your list?

We offer award-winning volunteering and adventure programmes across Africa, Asia, South and Central America.

All experiences include a mix of projects and adventures, travelling with a team of like-minded individuals in the exact same stage of life as you.

Want to tick travel off your list?

We have award-winning volunteering and adventure programmes across Africa, Asia, South and Central America.

All experiences include a mix of projects and adventures, travelling with a team of like-minded individuals in the exact same stage of life as you.

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