Conserve to preserve on your gap year.
So the Blue Planet, the Green Planet and all the planets in between have made it crystal clear, the world is in a tenuous place. For all our clever developments we are interfering with the natural balance of life and what we treasure and marvel over may well be gone in the not so very distant future. It is all about conservation now. To put it in some perspective the black rhino in Africa is now so endangered they worry that in 10 years there will be none left in the wild and the ivory-seeking poachers have killed 100,000 African elephants in just three years.
So how can we do our bit, to make sure what we know doesn't become another historical fact? A lot, is the key message - there are many NGO's all over the world who are determined to protect and conserve - from the land, to the wildlife, to everything marine. The good news is we have built relationships with them over the years and they make fantastic progress because of the manpower and funds brought about by our conservation volunteers who pack their bags and head out to make a difference on their gap year.
Now is the time to travel on you gap year responsibly and sustainably. The world needs your help.