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Gap Year in Asia

Travel to Asia on your Gap Year

From pagodas to palaces, Asia is blessed with exquisite natural beauty, deep spiritual richness and compelling culture. The scale of it is staggering - this is the largest continent on earth, covering a full one-third of our planet's surface, can you believe that?

Our destinations of choice for your gap year are Cambodia and Vietnam.

From the neon raves of Siem Reap to magic of Ha Long Bay, there's something for everyone. So if you're up for the challenge and keen to see more than the inside of a hostel and cheap tour guide, join one of our programmes and get off the road most travelled - right into the indigenous communities of the Orient. You're in for a treat.

Ideas for your gap year in Asia

We work in two different countries in Asia - Cambodia and Vietnam which are perfect for the gap year traveller and offer different types of experiences. Cambodia is perfect for those wanting a road trip which includes culture, community and development. Our Vietnam program is based in the north and includes: community, wildlife and the famous Halong Bay.

Get in touch to find out more: info@theleap.co.uk

Travelling around Asia on your Gap Year

Asia is super popular with the gap year backpacker as the transport is organised, cheap and efficient and hostels are in every prime location. You can literally be on the beach in Cambodia in the morning and jungle trekking the next. Being a gap year traveller in Asia is easy, so make the most of it.

If you want to travel independently, then we advise you join LEAP VIP so you can access all our Asian network and Milly will help with all your planning. For more details head over here: LEAP VIP

The following blogs will help steer your travels, have a read all about Asia.

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