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Gap Year Ideas and Solutions

1. What type of experience?

The top level decision to make when it comes to planning your gap year is to work out what type of experience you are after? So, complete our quiz which is designed to lead you to your perfect fit. Let's get you started.

2. Which gap year destination?

The second decision to make is where do you want to travel to on your gap year. Do you you want to experience Africa, Asia, South or Central America? Explore the following continent links which will give you some great gap year ideas and solutions in each. The world is wide open and ready to be explored.

3. How do you want to travel?

Travel in a team on your gap year

The third decision is how do you want to travel on your gap year? With a team doing something structured or just backpacking?If you want to travel with a team of like minded gappers - then TEAM LEAP is for you. All admin, itinerary and social life taken care of. What we have found this year is most Leapers have started with a team programme then travelled independently afterwards with their new friends - a perfect combo.

Our team leap provides the perfect introduction to a gap year travel - as we assist you with everything from flights to visas and insurance. Not only that but you will be travelling with a ready-made team of similar people, around the same age who are ready to embrace their gap year adventures too. The perfect way to allow you to relax and enjoy your gap year with the stress taken care of by us.

All team leaps have been located so they act as the perfect spring board for onward travel. Have a look at our favourities below.

Travel with a a few friends hostel hopping?

We know there are so many gappers want to travel independently or with a few friends, yet want to have a sounding board to help them script their perfect itinerary with a safety net attached.

Enter our backpacking advice hub our travel resource built specifically to help the independent traveller access up-to-date travel itineraries, gold star projects, adventures and contacts overseas. We have basically opened our black book of contacts around the world to allow the independent gapper travel safely and responsibly

Need inspiration and direction?

Get in contact with the gap year travel specialists.

Here at The Leap we can help both team traveller through our programmes and/or the backpacker.

Jot a message below or call us on +44 1672 519 9222

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