Dear Parents,
We’ve been in this business for over twenty years now, and as a parent myself, I have seen many a good gap year, and many not so good...With this in mind I have amalgamated all my experience into one place to create a parent friendly resource to help you guide the gap year planning.
You might be the parent of a gapper who knows exactly what they’re doing, or you might have a teanager who has no plans at all. Either way, fear not as I’ve seen it all, and I'm fairly sure we’ve been asked just about every question under the sun.
In this guide I’ll cover the basics, from the gap year structure, which continent, challenges, costs, to common concerns... We all want your gapper to get the absolute most out of their gap year, sitting around at home is not an option.
So, without further ado, download your guide to help you gapper plan the best gap year ever.